English summary of the monograph of Dimitrov on the history of the Proto-Bulgarians
(Τελευταία επίσκεψη: 30/10/2008)
English summary of the Bulgarian historian Dimitry Dimitrov's monograph on the early medieval history of the Proto-Bulgarians in the lands north and west of the Black Sea (D. Dimitrov, "Prabylgarite po severnoto i zapadnoto Chernomorie", Varna 1987)
Inscriptions and alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians
Peter Dobrev
(Τελευταία επίσκεψη: 30/10/2008)
An abridged translation of "Universum Protobulgaricum, Band I, Inschriften und Alphabet der Urbulgaren", Peter Dobrev, Sofia 1995