(gold seal) Imperial document of the Byzantine state which was so named because it bore the gold seal of the emperor.
kephale, kephalatikevon
A term denoting the highest official of the Late Byzantine provincial administration. From the mid-13th century on, the office of the kephale gradually substituted that of the doukas. From the 14th century on, the kephale was political and military head of the kapetanikion, an administrative division smaller than a theme, or of the castle. In the Empire of Trebizond the officer was also called kephalatikevon.
[also pikernes or epikernes, possibly from the Latin pincerna, a word deriving from the greek verb epikerannymi, meaning to mix (wine)]). Cup-bearer of the palace. Official at the personal service of the emperor. In the Late Byzantine years, the pinkernes was a very honorary title, while in the 14th century it was awarded to very important figures, such as Alexios Philanthropenos.
(lat. turma, meaning squadron) Administrative division of a theme in the Middle Byzantine period. A tourma was further subdivised into droungoi and banda.