architrave or epistyle
The lowest part of an entablature resting on the columns capitals and supporting the frieze.
Council house. An assembly hall for magistrates or members of the council.
Τhe auditorium or audience sitting of a theater.
Interior enclosed part - nucleus of a temple or other temple-shaped building.
conventus, us
In the Roman provinces, the term referred to the meetings of the provincials in places appointed by the praetor or the proconsul of the province for the purpose of administering justice. In order to facilitate the procedure, the province was divided into districts or circuits called conventus, forum or jurisdictio. The Roman citizens living in a province under the jurisdiction of the proconsul, and accordingly had to settle any business at a conventus had to appear there.
crepis / crepidoma
The solid mass of stepped masonry serving as the visible base of a building. The crepidoma usually consists of three steps. The top step from which the columns spring is called the stereobate.
The main room of the Greek gymnasium. It could have served educational and social fuctions. It usually had the form of an exedra, with seats in it.
Vertical channel or groove on the surface of a column.
frieze (1. architecture), (2. painting)
1. The part of the entablature resting on the architrave and below the cornice. In the Doric order the frieze is decorated with two alternative motives, namely the triglyph and metope, while in the Ionic order the frieze is a decoratively carved band.2. Decorative horizontal band that sweeps parts of a vessel or the highest part of the walls in a room.
The gymnasium was one of the most important centres of public life in Greek cities. The institution of the gymnasium, directly connected with the development of the Greek city, aimed to create virtuous citizens and gallant warriors. As educational institutions of public character, the gymnasia were intended for the physical and theoretical education of the young and consisted of separate spaces for special purposes.
intercolumnar space (or intercolumniation)
The space between two adjacent columns.
Lesbian masonry
A system of curvilinear masonry with polygonal blocks of straight facets.
metope (1. architecture, 2. painting)
1. Rectangular element separating the triglyphs on a Doric frieze. Metopes often have figurative relief representations.2. rectangular area, usually at the height of the vessel's handles, depicting figural or non figural ornamental representations.
The performance space of the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, placed between the scene building and the cavea. It was usually semi-circular in shape and rarely circular.
A colonnaded enclosure for athletic exercise. The palaestra functioned both independently and as a part of the Greek gymnasium. It was formed as an open court surrounded by colonnades with adjoining rooms.
proscenium (or proscaenium), the
The colonnade added in front of the skene of the ancient Greek theatre. There the intercolumnar spaces were usually closed by doors or painted panels.
prostyle temple
A term applied to a temple with a portico of columns in front.
pseudo-isodomic masonry
Masonry built of blocks of the same height within each course , but each course varying in height.
scene (lat. scaena -ae)
The stage building of the ancient theaters originally used for storage but provided a convenient backing for performances.
stoa, portico, the
A long building with a roof supported by one or two colonnades parallel to its back wall.
temple in antis
Temple with two or more columns between the antae of the pronaos.
One of the vertical blocks separating the metopes in the Doric frieze.