between 811 and 820: Persecutions against the Paulicians conducted by the Emperors Michael I and Leo V. Sergios-Tychikos with his followers seek refuge by the emir of Melitene, who installs them in Argaoun and Amara. Founding of the state of the Paulicians.
between September 834 and August 835: Sergios-Tychikos is murdered in Argaoun.
c. 843/844: Persecution against the Paulicians by the Empress Theodora. Karbeas fleds, along with Chrysocheir and others, to the state of the Paulicians.
c. 844: Karbeas defeats and captures the Byzantine doukas Kallistos.
between 844 and 856: Karbeas founds the city of Tephrike as the new capital of the state of the Paulicians.
851-853: Annual raids led by Karbeas into the Byzantine territory.
856: The Byzantines unsuccesfully besiege Tephrike.
spring of 859: Karbeas defeats the Byzantines before the walls of Samosata.
860: Karbeas raids the byzantine lands of the Pontus.
863: Death of Karbeas in Tephrike. Chrysocheir succeeds Karbeas as leader of the Paulicians.
863-869: Chrysocheir raids the byzantine lands of westers Asia Minor.
869-870: Basil I negotiates with Chrysocheir for peace.
871: Chrysocheir repels the attack of Basil I against Tephrike. The byzantine emperor captures and sacks Amara and other fortresses in the Paulician state.
872: The Paulicians raid the byzantine lands of central Asia Minor. Chrysocheir is surprisedly attacked while returning and is killed at Vathys Ryaks.
873: Basil I captures and sacks Argaoun and other fortresses of the State of the Paulicians.
878: The Byzantines capture and utterly destroy Tephrike. Dissolution of the state of the Paulicians.