382 BC: Antigonus’ birth
341-339 BC: Antigonus’ participation in Philip’s II campaign to Thrace
340 BC: Siege of Perinthus, Antigonus lost his eye.
Earlier than 337/6 BC: Marriage of Antigonus with Stratonice
334 BC: Antigonus commander of 7,000 hoplites provided to Alexander by the Greek states
334 BC: Participation in the Battle of Granicus and in the siege of Alicarnassus
321 BC: Departure from Europe and arrival to Asia Minor
321-320 BC: War of Diadochoi I
319-315 BC: War of Diadochoi II
317 BC: Battle of Paraitacene
316 BC: Victory of Antigonus over Eumenes in the Battle of Gabiene
314-311 BC: War of Diadochoi III
311 BC: Peace and division of the Macedonian realm among Antigonus, Cassander, Lysimachus and Ptolemy I
311/310 BC: Seleucus’ invasion into Babylon, violation of the peace treaty of 311 BC
308 BC: Suppression of the revolts in Upper Satrapies and the north coastline of Asia Minor. Recovery of the Cilician and Carian cities by Demetrius Poliorcetes
306 BC: Demetrius defeated the Ptolemaic fleet at Salamina in Cyprus. Assumption of the royal title by Antigonus and Demetrius
305/304 BC: Demetrius besieged Rhodes
303 BC: Synoecism of Teos and Lebedos by Antigonus
301 BC: Battle of Ipsus, Antigonus Monophthalmus was killed