1. Hiller von Gaertringen, F., Kern, O., Dörpfeld, W., "Ausgrabungen in Theater von Magnesia am Maiandros", AM 19 (1894) p. 66. 2. Anti, C., " Il Teatro greco trapezoidale ad ali convergenti", Dioniso 11 (1968) p. 152 ff.,fig. 1. 3. De Bernardi Ferrero, D., Teatri classici in Asia Minore 3 (Roma 1970) p. 101, where it is cited the paragraph from Dörpfeld’s article. 4. The centers form a triangle with the obtuse angle towards the tiers. The usage of three centres instead of one makes the theater’s acoustics better. The rows of seats appear as parts of a regular circle and not as parts of ellipses. 5. Pollux IV, 132. 6. De Bernardi Ferrero, D., Teatri classici in Asia Minore 3 (Roma 1970) p. 101, table. ΧΙΧ c, where it is cited the paragraph from Dörpfeld’s article. 7. Mendel, G., Musées Imperiales Ottomans. Catalogue des skulptures Grécques, Romaines, et Byzantines II (Constantinople 1914) p. 366 No. 622. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 51 with note 5 ff. It was found in the area of the theater and it maybe comes from the earlier Hellenistic building. It could have come from a sculptural group that depicted Apollo together with the Muses’ dance. According to other scholars the leather shoes that he wears indicate God Dionysus. 8. It was erected by Anaxenor’s brother and was used later as a building material on the water supply system, the so-called north Building. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99, note. 7. 9. It was erected by the Demos. It was found behind the southern end of the Pulpitum of the theater. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99-100, note. 1. 10. It was erected by the Boule and the Demos. It was found behind the southern end of the Pulpitum. See. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 100, note. 2. 11. He was probably honored by the Demos. He was a musician, who played guitar. According to Strabo, it was a bronze statue. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 71, note. 3. 12. 1st Century A.D. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 100, note. 3. 13. 2nd Century A.D. It was erected by his son, according to a decision of the Boule and Demos. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 100, note. 4. 14. 2nd Century A.D. The name is not so certain. The base was found at the south end of the orchestra. See Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattungdes griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 100, note. 5. 15. It was found in the north external wall of the theater. Dated to the 2nd Century B.C. See. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99, note.1-2. 16. It was found to the south of the pulpitum. It is dated to the end of the 1st Century B.C. See. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischenTheatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99, note. 3. 17. It was found in the north pulpitum. It is dated to the 1st Century B.C. See. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99, note. 4. 18. It was found in the north external wall. It was dated to the 2nd Century B.C. See. Schwingenstein, C., Die Figurenausstattung des griechischen Theatergebäudes (München 1977) p. 99, note.5. 19. Müller-Wiener, W., Η Αρχιτεκτονική στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα (Athens, 1995) p. 80, fig. 33. 20. The results of the first excavating period were published in November of 1894. Hiller von Gaertringen, "Baugeschichte des Theaters von Magnesia am Maiandros", AA (1894) p. 38-39. Hiller von Gaertringen, F., Kern, O., Dörpfeld, W., "Ausgrabungen in Theater von Magnesia am Maiandros", AM 19 (1894) p.1-101. 21. Humann, C., Kohte, J., Watzinger, C., Magnesia am Maeander (Berlin 1904). 22. De Bernardi Ferrero, D., Teatri classici in Asia Minore 3 (Roma 1970) p. 105. |