1. This conclusion is uniformly accepted by the researchers of the matter; see D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (Princeton 1950), pp. 62‑63 and J.A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (doctoral thesis in Dutch with English summary, pp. 238‑242) (Leiden 1988) p. 238. 2. For the Senates (Coucils of Elders) of the Hellenistic years and the republican period in Asia Minor, see D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (Princeton 1950), p. 858 and V. Chapor, La province Romaine proconsulaire d’ Asie (Paris 1904) pp. 220 –223. 3. See the inscription Τ.Α.Μ. ΙΙ 175 = IGRR III 582; see also annotations by D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (Princeton 1950) p. 635. 4. See the inscription IGRR III 597 and 598. 5. See J. A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (Leiden 1988) p. 240 and J.H. Oliver, ‘Gerusiae and Augustales’ Historia 7 (1958), p. 477. 6. See the inscription I. Iznik 235 7. See J. A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (Leiden 1988) p. 240. 8. For the supply of oil, see the inscriptions IGRR IV 182 (Lampsacus) and Ι. Μagn. 34 (Magnesia ad Sipylum). For the distribution of money, see the inscriptions SEG XXXIV 1124 (Ephesus), SEG XXX 153 (Xanthus), IGRR IV 1629 and 1632 (Philadelphia), Ι. Ιznik 61 (Nicaea), IGRR IV 1572 (Teos). For the banquets, see SEG XLIV 1153 (Arycanda). For the construction of buildings, see SEG XLI 1342 (Arycanda), IGRR IV 1572 (Teos) and IGRR IV 1431 (Smyrna). For the donations to the Senate, see J. A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (Leiden 1988) , pp. 156-177. 9. Sillyum is a typical example, as evidenced by the inscriptions IGRR III 800-802. 10. See M. Sartre, L’ Orient Romain, (Paris 1991), p. 152. 11. For the relation between the Senate and the Gymnasium, see D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (Princeton 1950) p. 858 and J. A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (Leiden 1988) pp. 178-188. Gymnasiarchs of the Senate are also evidenced in Ephesus (SEG XXXIV 1125), Perge (SEG XXXIX 1388) and Corydallus of Lycia (IGRR III 739 IX). 12. This was the case in Teos, according to the inscription IGRR IV 1572. 13. See A.H. M. Jones, The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian (Oxford 1940) pp. 225-226 and A. D. Macro, "The Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Imperium", in H. Temporini, W. Haase, ANRW, II. 7.2 (Berlin 1980), p. 681. There is ample epigraphic evidence concerning the matter. 14. See annotations by M. Sartre, L’ Orient Romain, (Paris 1991) pp. 162-166. 15. See J.A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk, (Leiden 1988) p. 242. 16. This is what happened in Ephesus see J. H. Oliver, The Sacred Gerusia (Hesperia Supplement VI, 1941) p. 93v. 11, Acmonia (IGRR IV 652), Clazomenae (IGRR IV 1555) and Prusias ad Hypium (IGRR III 65). 17. See J.H. Oliver, The Sacred Gerusia (Hesperia Supplement VI 1941), pp. 22-23. 18. See I.v Magn. 316. A detailed analysis is given by G. Gousin and G. Deschamps, BCH XII (1888) pp. 204-223. Another source of income was the exploitation of baths, inns and other shops. 19. This is exactly what happened in Apamea, according to the inscription IGRR IV 783. 20. For the correspondence between the emperors and the Senate of Ephesus and Athens, see SEG XLIII 757 –762 and J.H. Oliver, Greek Consitutions of Early Roman Emperors (Phliadelphia 1989), pp. 346-351, no. 170 and pp. 401–413, no. 193–203. For the unpublished letter of Emperor Claudius to the Senate of Kos, see Κ. Buraselis, Kos between Hellenism and Rome (Philadelphia 2000), p. 193. 21. See footnote 16. The accountants were usually appointed by the emperor to inspect the finances of a city; see D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (Princeton 1950), pp. 597–598. 22. See SEG XLIII 765-766. 23. See J.A. Van Rossum, De Gerousia in de Griekse Steden Van het Romeinse Rijk (Leiden 1988) p. 242. 24. For Ephesus, see J. H. Oliver, Greek Consitutions of Early Roman Emperors (Phliadelphia 1989) pp. 346–347, no. 170. The Senate of Athens also owned pictures of the emperors, which were carried to the places where the Ecclesia convened, see J.H. Oliver, Greek Consitutions of Early Roman Emperors (Phliadelphia 1989), pp. 405-412, no. 196. For the case of Kos, where the Senate was assigned with the task of maintaining statues dedicated to eminent figures of the past, see K. Buraselis, Kos Between Hellenism and Rome. Studies on the political, institutional and social history of Kos from ca. the middle 2nd c. B.C. until Late Antiquity, (Philadephia 2000), p. 25; see J. H. Oliver, "The sacred Gerusia" Hesperia, Supplement VI, pp. 96‑100 v. 12. 25. See J. H. Oliver, The sacred Gerusia, (Hesperia, Supplement VI, Baltimore 1941) pp. 96‑100 v. 12. |