Small pedimental naiskos, either a free-standing construction or integrated into a larger building's facade.
anta or pilaster, the
A shallow rectagular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and a base and architecturally treated as a column.
architrave or epistyle
The lowest part of an entablature resting on the columns capitals and supporting the frieze.
composite order
It is a mixed order, developed in the late roman imperial period. Its capital combines the Corinthian acanthus leaf decoration with volutes from the Ionic Order. It It may have unfluted shaft, while the details of the entablature resemble those of the Corinthian Order.
corinthian order
The most elaborate of the ancient greek architectural orders. It was developed in the 4th century BC in Greece and it was extensively used in Roman architecture. It is similar to the Ionic order. Its capitals being four-sided and composed of a basket-shaped body decorated with volumes and rows of acanthus leaves.
frieze (1. architecture), (2. painting)
1. The part of the entablature resting on the architrave and below the cornice. In the Doric order the frieze is decorated with two alternative motives, namely the triglyph and metope, while in the Ionic order the frieze is a decoratively carved band.2. Decorative horizontal band that sweeps parts of a vessel or the highest part of the walls in a room.
Semi-circular recess on the surface of the wall.
pediment, the
The triangular structure, over a building façade, between the horizontal entablature and the sloping roof, often decorated with sculptures, reliefs or painted figures.
receding entablature
An entablature which juts out and recedes back in intervals, thus forming a distinctive receding outline. It makes its appearance in the Roman period and is adopted mainly in the impressive aedicular facades of theatrical scenes and nymphaea.
scaenae frons, the
The elaborate aedicular stage façade of the roman theatres that bears a rich architectural and sculptural decoration.