January 1068: Enthroning of Romanos IV Diogenes
March 1068 – January 1069: First campaign of Romanos Diogenes in Anatolia
Spring-summer 1069: Second camapaign of the emperor against the Seljuks
End of 1070: The Seljuks capture Mantzikert
13 March 1071: Commencement of the third campaign of Romanos IV against the sultan Alp Arslan
July 1071: The Byzantine army reaches Theodosioupolis. Romanos sends a large part of his army against Chliat
Beginnings of August 1071: Fall of Mantzikert by the Byzantines. Alp Arslan reaches the region. Defeat of a part of the Byzantine army under Nikephoros Vasilakis
26 August 1071: Battle of Mantzikert. Defeat of the Byzantine army and capture of emperor Romanos Diogenes
Beginnings of September 1071: Release of Romanos Diogenes