1. Zuckerman, C, "Sur la Liste de Vérone et la province de Grande Arménie, la division de 1' Empire et la date de création des dioceses", in: Mélanges Gilbert Dagron, Travaux et Memoires 14 (2002), pp. 617-638, esp. p. 628ff. 2. The organization of the Armenian provinces is dated to 363, during Jovian’s reign (363-364), and has been correlated with the loss of the conquests of 296/7. According to the earlier bibliography, the limits of the provinces had been fixed before 378, during Valens’ reign (364-378); see also the views of modern scholarship: Blockley, R.C., "The Romano-Persian Peace Treaties of A.D. 299 and 363", Florilegium 6 (1984), pp. 28-49, and Garsoïan, N.G., «Αρμενία Μεγάλη και επαρχία Μεσοποταμίας», in: Ευψυχία, Mélanges offerts à Hélène Ahrweiler I. Byzantina Sorbonensia 16 (Paris 1998), p. 239 and n. 1, p. 240. 3. Συνέκδημος Ιεροκλή, Honigmann, Ε. (ed.), Le Synekdémos d'Hiéroklès et I'opuscule géographique de Georges de Chypre (Bruxelles 1939) p. 37,703.7-12. 4. R. Scholl - G. Kroll (ed.) Corpus Juris Civilis, III. Novellae (Berlin 1895, reprinted Dublin - Zürich10 1972), pp. 235-240. 5. During the first years of Justinian I’s reign (527-565), the military official was responsible for the Armenian and the two Pontus provinces (magister militum per Armeniam Pontem Polemoniacum et Gentes) see Jones, A.H.M., The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces (Oxford 1971), p. 225ff, 281; Garsoïan, N.G., «Aρμενία Mεγάλη και επαρχία Mεσοποταμίας», in: Eυψυχία, Mélanges offerts à Hélène Ahrweiler I. Byzantina Sorbonensia 16 (Paris 1998), pp. 248, 249. 6. Dölger, F., Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des ostromischen Reiches von 565-1453, I (Corpus der Urkunden des mittelalters und der neuren Zeit. Reihe A. Abt. 1, 5 Bd, München - Berlin 1924-1965), p. 13 no. 104). See also Γυφτοπούλου, Σ. «Πολεμωνιακός Πόντος - Λαζική: οι εκκλησιαστικές έδρες, οι εκκλησιαστικές επαρχίες», Ιστορικογεωγραφικά 10 (2003/4), p. 138: A suggestion on the naming of the provinces of Armenia by Justinian I and Maurice. For the convenience of the reader, the provinces of Armenia created by Maurice (and mentioned in the notitiae episcopatuum) are described as «Νέες» (=new), see ibid. pp. 111. 7. Hild, F.-Restle, Μ., Kappadokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandos) (Tabula Imperil Βyzantini 2, Wien 1981), s.v. Melitene; Γυφτοπούλου, Σ. «Πολεμωνιακός Πόντος - Λαζική: οι εκκλησιαστικές έδρες, οι εκκλησιαστικές επαρχίες», Ιστορικογεωγραφικά 10 (2003/4), p. 111 |